2012 Spring Gobbler Pa. Opener
Hunters: Will and Kyle
Written by: Will
Well ill start with this was one of the most exiting morning in the woods I have had in a while.
Kyle and I decided that we would hunt a area that he had killed a nice gobbler 2 years ago near my wife's grandparents. So with our plans made, we met up around 5:00Am. It was 24 degrees with little to no wind. heading into the woods. As we were just getting into the woods as the horizon was lighting up, which allowed as the ability to view what we hoped to be roosted turkeys in the trees. Which is exactly what Kyle and his dad had done two years ago where they were able to locate the birds in the trees and fill a tag that morning. So Kyle had the lead since I had not been in the area in some time. As we walked we were scanning the tree tops for roosted birds hoping not to spook them and set up for the quick hunt. Unfortunately this time this wasn't the case. We stopped in the trail and began discussing what our next move was since the birds were not where we hoped them to be. With a little thought we decided to continue down the ridge in hopes of spotting the roosted birds. I don't think we made it much more then 20 yards and we quickly discovered the birds were there and now spooked and flying down off the ridge.
So you can imagine our disappointment at this point thinking all hope was lost. We made quick decision to jump in the truck and drive around the hill in attempts to cut the now spooked birds off. After a short drive we were at what we hope to be a good cut off point. We crossed the creek and headed up to the next bench to our ambush spot. Kyle pointed out a large oak tree that we felt would be a good tree for the two of us to sit next to. We sat our selves looking in two different directions not knowing where the birds might approach. Kyle was going to be doing the calling and I was the shooter for this set up. With a box call in hand Kyle began calling, and with only a few yelps on the call we had a gobbler hammer back. That sound will get your heart pumping every time you hear it in the spring turkey woods. This continued for some time with at least 4 different birds gobbling all around us at the sound of Kyle's attempts to call them closer. But sadly nothing came in, we had them very close but was never able to see the birds. At this point we noticed that most of the birds were across a road and and we had herd some shooting in that area it appeared they were not going to come in. So we headed to my Wife's grandparents for some breakfast.
After getting our belly's filled with some wonderful breakfast, we headed back to the ridge that we had spooked the birds off the roost at day light in hopes that they would come back to that area. So we set off into the woods for the third time. We didn't get much further then 75 yards when we heard a gobble that was only a few yards away, but just out of sight. We found the biggest tree we could and sat down. At this point Kyle asked me to give him the call John (my brother) had made me for my birthday. With call in hand he began his calling and with every strike of the call the bird would gobble. With his calling from that call made short time of bringing in the very talkative gobbler. I believe it took only 5 minutes to get this bird into sight. It was a young Jake and was quite happy to come in. He was somewhere around 50 yards when he didn't want to come any closer. Oh did i mention I have yet to kill a Turkey, and with this being the second bird ever with in shooting distance I decided to take the shot. I really should have waited for him to close the gap but, with Turkey fever I squeezed the trigger. Then watched the young bird now educated fly away completely untouched by my shoot. I was disappointed but was still pleased with the hunt other then the premature shot.
Now with all the birds in our current spot well spooked and call shy we headed for Kyle's Girlfriends parents farm just a few short miles up the road. We arrived with little expectations, not knowing if there were any birds in the area. But we had to give it a try since it was still early being that it was only 9:00Am. So i hopped out of the truck opened the gate and we set off across the field to the parking area at the top of the fields. Once we reached the top of the fields i said to Kyle "well since I missed my chance its your turn." He asked "Are you sure I have already killed a few birds and want to get you one." I replied "no big deal you need a chance today too." With that said we had a short walk up the east side of a hollow. We followed some 4wheeler paths and then found our self near the head of this wide hollow. With no real good sign of birds, other then a few scratchings here and there. We still were not super optimistic this was going produce much of a hunt. As we approached a small grove of pines i said "Well this is as good of a spot as any." and we set my decoys in the 4wheeler trail and walked back to our tree that offered good cover with a good view of that hollow. After setting the decoys we walking the short distance to the tree. I hear that familiar sound "GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE" across the hollow from us, several yards away. It was a faint call but it was worth a try. I pulled out the call that John had made and began calling. After a few strikes on the call he hammered one more time then went silent. I said to Kyle "Were not dealing with a Jake here. ill be taking it easy on the calling." I would lightly call every few minutes with no return call from this bird. Nearly 30 minutes later only a few yards in front of us he let out a good healthy Gobble, relieving not only that he was on his way in but that my conservative calling was working. With a few more strikes on my hand made slate call, this bird we had been working for over 45 minutes now reveled is self. Kyle and I watched this bird give us quite the show strutting, spitting, and drumming the whole way.
As I had mentioned earlier i have only now shot at 2 birds and have never called in a bird for anyone let alone my self. So as this bird is walking in to our set i began to shake like a leaf. I was shaking so bad it was all i could do to sit still, and i wasn't even the one that was doing the shooting. It was no time at all that i notice how large this bird was and i whispered to Kyle "Holy cow look at the size of that beards." Which i found out later got Kyle's Turkey fever all ampped up. Despite all of this I continued to vary lightly call hoping this magnificent bird would turn and see our decoy set. Well my calling worked and brought the bird in to just over 40 yards. He was in full strut and turned into a nice opening Kyle pulled the trigger and i watched as the bird hit the ground. With all the years of hunting with his dad he was taught as soon as you shoot you get up and get the bird as quickly as you can, and that is what he did. In one fluid motion he ejected and chambered a new shell put the safety on and was on his feet heading for the bird. I was not much further behind him. His shot rung true and the bird never moved. So after a few exited phone calls, pictures and a bunch of high fives, we packed up the decoys and headed back to the truck. So here it was only 10:00Am. one tag filled, one miss and a whole bunch of fun. With the entire season ahead of me to fill my tag and hopefully as exiting season as the season has started our to be!
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weighted 20 lbs.
9.5 inch beard
1 inch spurs
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Kyle and I |
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The call that did the trick |
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