Monday, October 1, 2012

First Day in the PA. Archery woods

First day of PA. Archery season!
My first year hunting with a video camera!

   I had a good start to the Pa. deer season. I got to the property I was hunting around 1:30Pm. On my way to my stand location I jumped a small 3 point with only one antler on his left side. Once i got into the woods I picked the tree I had hunted last year in the late archery season, but after climbing about 10 feet i decided it wasn't that good of a tree and pick another tree only 10 yards to my left. So after climbing down and moving all my gear and stand then climbing back up the new tree I w ready to go. It was 2:00Pm. by the time I climbed and got settled in and ready for the hunt. As It always seams to go it started slow with squirrels  and chipmunks running everywhere. Around 3:00Pm. I hear a deer running down the hill right at me. I quickly spun around to see a doe come to a sudden stop not 20 yards behind me, but that didn't last long and she was on the move again. She bolted in and out of my shooting lane so quick i was not able to even think about drawing my bow. And in to time i was back to watching the squirrels and the birds.

 4:00Pm rolls around and I notice movement in the fields in front of my about 150 yards away. It was a deer feeding along the diversion ditch I had just walked across 2 hours ago. I sat watching this lone deer for nearly a hour when out came another joining him/her for a meal. I was hoping for them to work their way to me but my hopes were not high.

   After some videoing of some squirrels and just watching the woods I could hear a flock of turkeys working above me. I love listening to a flock of turkeys calmly feeding along. with there put's, purr's, and kee kee's .I could also hear what i believe was a Jake trying to gobble. It was a sad gobble well more like a wobble wobble. With in a few minutes of this I was able to see them working down the hill side to me. I attempted to get some video of them but they were just to far away to see.

  Not to long after I notice the turkey's I was watching them feed along when i notice a deer standing in the middle of the flock. this got my heart pumping and I spun around hoping it would work its way down to me. It was then I noticed there were 3 deer a doe and her 2 fawns. So I turned on the camera and got ready for what i hoped to be a quick hunt. Well I was wrong. They never turned my way the walked across the ridge just out of range. I believe they were on there way to a neighboring property where there are a few standing corn fields. So I watched them slowly fad away into the woods.

Not to long after they were gone i decided to climb down while I still had some light not wanting to mess my ankle up climbing out of the tree in the dark. I was glad I decided to climb down a little early because when i got to the fields I had seen the deer in earlier I quickly found out that those deer were nice buck. 3 of them feeding along between me and way back to my truck. I attempted to get close to them but with no cover and a rattling tree stand on my back sent them on their way in no time. 

  All and all it was a great way to start the season. Seeing 9 deer total 4 of which were buck. I just hope the rest of my season is this active...

here is the video I took while I was on stand!
Hope you like it.
First day of archery 2012

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