This year I had a partner in crime. My friend Kyhl had just finished his hunter ed class the week before spring turkey opened up. We decided that I would take my bow and he would carry the shotgun to improve his chances of bagging his first bird. I went out the night before opening day to roost a bird on out neighbors property. As I pull up into the field I notice a pickup truck parked in the field. So I hope out and see what is up. He is from up the road and said he is planning on hunting here in the morning. As we are chatting I can hear a tom gobbling on the side hill.That is when he said that there are two more people up there already.
I hung out a bit longer and chatted about what our plans were for the following day and decided I was going to head someplace else in the morning. The last thing I wanted to be in the middle of is five people all hunting the same bird on a small farm. I got home and called Kyhl and asked if he wanted to try out a new farm he had gotten permission to hunt a few weeks back. He said that it would be fine to head over there. I set my alarm for 3:30 and time to catch some Zzz's.
Opening day up and atom. Grab breakfast and throw everything in the car and take off to meet Khyl.

I have not been to this farm at all. Going in blind always sucks. We make the long walk up the driveway and hit the fields. I spot a logging road that leads back into the woods and up the ridge a bit. The road ends at a steep drop into a big valley. This looks like as good as spot as any so we set the decoy on the road and get set up. We sit for about two hours and hear nothing and see nothing. Time to move. It has not rained in almost two weeks and the woods are very noise. Trying to sneak along the ridge we come to the property line and call and try and get something going but nothing.
We walk back down the road to the fields and set up there for two more hours and nothing again. We decide to call it a day at around eleven.
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