My Archery Season here in Pa.

With sick kids, work and life in general I wasn't able to get any time in the woods again until Nov. 2nd. and was able to hunt with John. He arrived from VT. on friday Nov. 1st and was able to take a fantastic Pa. buck. (He will post the story later)... We sat in the stand I had hunted in and missed the doe the week before and only saw one doe that morning and was not in range. We had to leave early as I had a 50th wedding Anniversary party for Nicole's Grandparents not allowing us to hunt the whole day.
With not being able to hunt Sunday's in Pa. and having little free time thought out the week we were not able to get back out again until Nov. 8th. I had a parent teach conference that morning so we didn't get into the woods until 10am or so. John had been doing some scouting all week and with the cold and wind we decided to hunt the top ridge. We had winds close to 20mph and snowed on and off all day long. Sadly we didn't see a single deer. I also learned that day my back isn't what it use to be and was hurting for a few days after such a long sit in the stand...

Keep your eye out for Pa. Rifle season update it could be interesting :-) Dec. 2nd starts it off!