Long archery season. I spent almost all season hunting a power line. I wanted to hunt this spot last year but had no way to get to it with out walking through the main bedding area. I finally got permission from a land owner that borders the power line from the north.

The first night in the stand I had a nice buck come in. He came in to 60yrds and just turned and walked away. I had many more encounters with this buck that ended the same way. Him coming in at last light and them he would always go to they opposite side of the power line and feed.
The one buck I did get a shot at was a four point that I watched for three hours and finally came into range.

He came out around three and then bedded down about one hundred yards out. Finally he got on his feet and fed his way up the hill to my stand. My stand was thirty five feet up in a hemlock tree. He worked his way into twenty yards to a flat. I drew and let the arrow fly. Straight over his back. My heart sank. This is the third miss of the season. I missed two doe as well. The buck ran out to fifty yards and stopped. I grunted at him and he turned and came back in to thirty yards. I let another arrow loose and watch it drill him right in the front shoulder. I can see right away that the arrow only got a few inches of penetration. He ran forty yards and crashed over a ledge and into a small pine. gets up and just starts running full speed again and disappears into the woods.

I call Will and fill him in on what is going on. He tells me to settle down and give him some time. I get off the phone with him and climb down. Head over to look for blood and find nothing. I go to the pine tree and look, nothing not a drop. I poke my head in the woods and go maybe fifty yards and find my arrow.
This is the only blood I find. and take a closer look and see the arrow only got about three inches of penetration. The buck was going up a old logging road. I mark the spot of the arrow and head to the house for a long sleepless night. I have a quick work thing in the morning and Amber and I head back into the woods. We search for a little more than two hours and find no blood and no deer.
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