I hemmed and hawed about where to go. Finlay decide on the three hundred acre farm. I decide to try the east side that has a large hay field and even bigger corn field. I get set up at the end of the hay field and let out a few yelps. Nothing around. I try again after fifteen min. I hear a yelp back from down the field. Another fifteen goes by and I hear a truck now. There is a public old road/tractor path that splits the property. It is just off the field behind me. They stop about fifty yards away. Turn off the truck and get out. I can hear them talking. " well what do you think? go for it." He hits the box call hard and loud. It echoes down the valley. I stand up and walk out and grab my decoy. Stuff it in its sack. It takes me about thirty seconds. to cover the ground to the truck and say good morning. They about turned inside out when I walked around the tree line. We talked for a few min and they apologized for ruining my hunt and they got the hell out of dodge. I don't think they had permission to hunt. It was just the way they came across.
Now what? Well the corn field sounded good. It had just had manure spread on it and plowed. I cut across threw the woods and poke my head out in the field. Nothing. Walk over to a apple tree and there is someones popup blind stashed there. I move on.
Nothing. The birds are tight lipped today with this rain.
The rain starts to pick up. So I stuff Wilma in her
bag and head north along the field.
I make it about two hundred yards into the woods and see a hen beatin feet down the trail in front of me.
Working my way along the trail I stop set up and call about every three hundred yards. Still nothing.
Turning east at the property line. The timber switches from hemlocks a mix of oak, birch, and pine. Some old scratch marks here and there but not much sign of turkey.
I pull Wilma out of the bag and stick her near a big old oak and I take a seat. thirty minutes and nothing.
I need to keep moving I'm wet and cold .Still working east along the power line. Staying fifty to one hundred yards in the woods. I find my self back at the same place I called in the tom yesterday.
I have not heard a bird all day. So my hopes are down. I let out a few yelps and start to cut. Gobble!! My heart jumps. No way. Take a look at my watch 11:12. Okay I have forty five minutes to do this. He is way out there again. I let him know I,m there again and he gobbles back. Okay take it easy today, I tell my self. I'll try my best not to over call. Look at the clock again 11:.30 I can hear something moving from the power line. I can't see it but it is no turkey. I am right on the property line. He starts yelping. No!! #$@*. I do everything I can to get the tom to come to me. Boom!! only one hundred and fifty yards away. I am pissed. Grab my things and make the long walk back to the car in the rain. Day three is over.
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