Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Spring showers

Was up at 4am to the sound of down pouring rain. Checked the weather and went right back to bed.
Up again at 5am. This time no rain. Rushed around to find everything I need and out the door at 5:15.
 Hunted the 300 acre farm just up the road. There were no other trucks at the old house. So I thought the odds were in my favor. Just about 400yrd from the car I herd the only bird of the day gobble. Followed by the ring of a 12 gauge. One less bird.

Made my way to the back side of the property and got set up on a power line. As I went to sit down the heavens open up. I reached in an pulled out my pot call and it was drenched. So all I had was my mouth call for the rest of the day.  After 1.5hrs it was time to move on.  I still hunted the till ten o'clock and decided to try my luck on carpenter hill.

The rain had let up some and the fog was getting thicker. Parked at the end of our old drive way and worked my way up the hill. 

 Made it to the top of the hill and heard the second shot of the day. prob 1/2 mile away down past the pond.

 Found a spot on the top of the hill and set up. I have seen many turkeys up here before. I had high hopes for this spot. With only two hours to hunt there was not much time. I yelped, purred and clucked on and off for an hour and a half and nothing. So I packed my things and went home to dry out.  Back at it again tomorrow. 

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